How an Expert Writer Should Revise an Argumentative Essay

Revision involves making structural changes to an argumentative essay. The initial drafting process is typically a time for discovering ideas and refuting counterarguments, and simply tweaking individual sentences won’t help clear up the argument. Instead, revision involves bringing the strongest ideas to the front of the essay, reorganizing the main points, cutting unnecessary sections, and strengthening topic sentences and transitions. Revision takes time, but sustained effort will yield a clearer, more persuasive essay.
Refuting counterarguments
The basic parts of refuting an opposing argument in an argumentative essay are introducing the counterargument, stating the objection, providing evidence to support your view, and drawing a clear conclusion by comparing the opposing and supporting viewpoints. Each of these components can be more effective when placed near the beginning of the argument than at the end. In an argumentative essay, a counterargument can either be an example or a case study.
Organizing evidence
The classical method of structuring an argumentative essay dates back to the Greek philosopher Aristotle, and was later refined by Roman thinkers. This method of argument structure typically focuses on issues of definition and careful application of evidence. It assumes that all parties will agree on the issue at hand and that the correct course of action will be obvious. The essay should begin by introducing the issue and establishing its legitimacy and credibility.
Getting feedback from multiple readers
When revising an argumentative essay, it can help to ask several readers to point out problems or suggest counterarguments. By asking your readers to point out these problems or counterarguments, you can improve your argument and increase your chances of an A grade. While this method may seem contradictory, it can greatly boost the effectiveness of your writing. Listed below are some of the advantages of getting feedback from multiple readers when revising an argumentative essay.
One of the most important aspects of revision is finding places of dissonance, or tension, within your argumentative essay. This tension can be the result of substantive differences between what you intend to say and what actually happens. In this process, you can create new meaning that addresses the dissonance. An expert writer can do this without losing focus of the argument. If dissonance is a major problem, however, you can still use this process to improve your argumentative essay.
The readability of an argumentative essay depends on a number of factors. The length of the essay, the number of sources used, and the type of assignment all affect the readability of an argumentative essay. An argumentative essay that includes empirical research will be much longer than a five-paragraph essay, and it will also likely discuss the context of the issue as well as different perspectives on it. While the amount of research required varies, the first step in improving the readability of an argumentative essay is to determine the type of audience you have.